(updated Aug 26/2024)
Constitution and By-laws
1.1 The name of the club shall be:
1.2 This name shall be registered with the Government of Ontario under the requirements of the Corporations Act.
1.3 This name shall also be registered with the appropriate governing bodies of cycling sport.
1.4 Where necessary, such as on racing jerseys, the name may be abbreviated to
1.5 In the following items 'the club' means ALL WHEELS CYCLING CLUB
1.6 The club with ensure that any operations under different names are registered wherever necessary
2.1 The club shall be registered with limited liability with the Government of Ontario.
2.2 The club shall be registered with the Ontario Cycling Association, and through this affiliation with the CYCLING CANADA.
2.3 The club may affiliate with any other cycling organizations if this is proposed by the club executive, provided that it is beneficial to all members, or a significant number of members, or becomes a requirement of either of the Government or the O.C.A. or if it is approved by a simple majority at the Annual General Meeting.
2.4 Club members may join other bodies without restriction provided that this is not precluded by either of the two affiliate organizations noted above.
2.5 Members joining other clubs must clearly inform all concerned clubs and must designate one as their 'first claim' club, for whom they will participate in O.C.A. events.
3.1 All Wheels cycling club was established to support the cycling community by offering enjoyable group ride opportunities to youth and adults. Also established to support young athletes who show commitment to sport of cycling through our race team AWI Racing
3.2 The club shall organize various categories of events to promote racing, and shall organize training and pleasure rides.
4.1 Officers of the club shall be elected for a term of one year commencing at the annual general Meeting at which they are elected and running until the Next Annual General Meeting when the following executive is elected.
4.2 Officers of the club shall be paid-up members in good standing, or life members.
4.3 The board shall consist of 5 directors at large. Once elected the board shall appoint a Chairperson.
4.4 The Chair shall act as chairman at all meetings.
5.1 The management of the club shall be vested in the elected officials.
5.2 The term of the elected officials in one year, as noted in Section 4. If however any official becomes unable or unavailable to perform the requisite duties the remaining officials shall co-opt an additional club member to fulfill the duties of the replaced official.
5.3 Remedies exist in the constitution for the replacement of any or all of the club officials by means of a special general meeting and an appropriate vote.
5.4 The elected officials may co-opt or appoint any other members of the club to any other offices and functions which will enhance the club and its operations.
5.5 The appointment of such members and their terms of reference will be published in the club newsletter after their appointment.
5.6 All such co-opted officials shall be responsible to the executive and for any matters affecting the image or the financial affairs of the club shall refer to the executive for confirmation.
5.7 In the event that any co-opted official is unable to perform the duties, or if their methods are not in conformation with the approach for the management, then the duties of such official shall be terminated by mutual agreement with the committee, or, in the event of serious disagreement, by the elected officials alone.
5.8 In the event that the membership is in substantial disagreement with any of the elected officials, the membership has the option of calling a Special General meeting and offering a vote of confidence in regards to the official(s). In the event that the vote of confidence is not passed the official(s) concerned shall resign and a replacement shall be voted into office.
5.9 All club members are welcome at any club executive meeting. Your cooperation is requested in prior warning so that suitable space provisions can be made.
6.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held after the end of the normal racing season within the calendar year and before the Clubs Annual Dinner.
6.2 The A.G.M. will be held at a convenient location and will be advised to all members in the club newsletter or sent at least two weeks before the club date of the meeting.
6.3 The first purpose of the A.G.M. will be to receive reports from all elected officials and all others having conducted club business since the last Annual General Meeting.
6.4 The second purpose of the A.G.M. will be to consider amendments to the constitution and bylaws.
6.5 The A.G.M. will consider general business as well as any business raised those present.
7.1 A Special General Meeting may be called by the secretary if so required by a petition form 20 or more paid-up members provided that the petition lists the business to be discussed at the special general meeting.
7.2 The board is to give written notice of the meeting to all members as noted in 6.2 above. Provided also there be not more than one Special General Meeting in one operating year.
7.3 The business at a Special General Meeting will be conducted in a similar manner to the Annual General Meeting.
8.1 Each paid up member in good standing shall be entitled to attend and shall have one vote.
8.4 Proxy voting will be allowed at A.G.M.s and S.G.M.s provided that no member shall vote more than 10 proxies. Proxies shall generally be vested in the executive unless solicited by others. In this eventuality the person soliciting shall clearly indicate to the vote holder his position at the intended meeting.
9.1 The Club Chair shall chair the meetings, or in their absence some other member of the executive.
9.2 The meeting shall be generally run in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
9.3 Motions shall be proposed and seconded and sufficient discussion shall be voted on by the body of the meeting.
9.4 Voting shall be by a show of hands and shall be carried or defeated by a simple majority.
9.5 The president, chairman need not vote, except in the event of a tie in which case his shall be the deciding vote.
9.6 A quorum consists of 5 members.
9.7 A quorum of the racing committee consists of 3 members of the committee.
10. FEES
10.1 Membership fees shall be as determined annually by the executive committee.
10.2 Fees shall be set for the following categories of members:
◦ Full Membership
◦ Junior Membership
11.1 The board is to keep account of the club funds and is to maintain a bank account with chequing privileges. In the event that the funds may be more than required in the short term he may also open a higher interest account.
11.2 Cheques may be issued by any one of two of the executive, subject to checking with the board as to the balance available and the correctness of the proposed transaction.
12.1 A newsletter shall be issued to keep members advised of forthcoming events, news, changes, etc.
(updated Aug 26/2024)
Constitution and By-laws
1.1 The name of the club shall be:
1.2 This name shall be registered with the Government of Ontario under the requirements of the Corporations Act.
1.3 This name shall also be registered with the appropriate governing bodies of cycling sport.
1.4 Where necessary, such as on racing jerseys, the name may be abbreviated to
1.5 In the following items 'the club' means ALL WHEELS CYCLING CLUB
1.6 The club with ensure that any operations under different names are registered wherever necessary
2.1 The club shall be registered with limited liability with the Government of Ontario.
2.2 The club shall be registered with the Ontario Cycling Association, and through this affiliation with the CYCLING CANADA.
2.3 The club may affiliate with any other cycling organizations if this is proposed by the club executive, provided that it is beneficial to all members, or a significant number of members, or becomes a requirement of either of the Government or the O.C.A. or if it is approved by a simple majority at the Annual General Meeting.
2.4 Club members may join other bodies without restriction provided that this is not precluded by either of the two affiliate organizations noted above.
2.5 Members joining other clubs must clearly inform all concerned clubs and must designate one as their 'first claim' club, for whom they will participate in O.C.A. events.
3.1 All Wheels cycling club was established to support the cycling community by offering enjoyable group ride opportunities to youth and adults. Also established to support young athletes who show commitment to sport of cycling through our race team AWI Racing
3.2 The club shall organize various categories of events to promote racing, and shall organize training and pleasure rides.
4.1 Officers of the club shall be elected for a term of one year commencing at the annual general Meeting at which they are elected and running until the Next Annual General Meeting when the following executive is elected.
4.2 Officers of the club shall be paid-up members in good standing, or life members.
4.3 The board shall consist of 5 directors at large. Once elected the board shall appoint a Chairperson.
4.4 The Chair shall act as chairman at all meetings.
5.1 The management of the club shall be vested in the elected officials.
5.2 The term of the elected officials in one year, as noted in Section 4. If however any official becomes unable or unavailable to perform the requisite duties the remaining officials shall co-opt an additional club member to fulfill the duties of the replaced official.
5.3 Remedies exist in the constitution for the replacement of any or all of the club officials by means of a special general meeting and an appropriate vote.
5.4 The elected officials may co-opt or appoint any other members of the club to any other offices and functions which will enhance the club and its operations.
5.5 The appointment of such members and their terms of reference will be published in the club newsletter after their appointment.
5.6 All such co-opted officials shall be responsible to the executive and for any matters affecting the image or the financial affairs of the club shall refer to the executive for confirmation.
5.7 In the event that any co-opted official is unable to perform the duties, or if their methods are not in conformation with the approach for the management, then the duties of such official shall be terminated by mutual agreement with the committee, or, in the event of serious disagreement, by the elected officials alone.
5.8 In the event that the membership is in substantial disagreement with any of the elected officials, the membership has the option of calling a Special General meeting and offering a vote of confidence in regards to the official(s). In the event that the vote of confidence is not passed the official(s) concerned shall resign and a replacement shall be voted into office.
5.9 All club members are welcome at any club executive meeting. Your cooperation is requested in prior warning so that suitable space provisions can be made.
6.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held after the end of the normal racing season within the calendar year and before the Clubs Annual Dinner.
6.2 The A.G.M. will be held at a convenient location and will be advised to all members in the club newsletter or sent at least two weeks before the club date of the meeting.
6.3 The first purpose of the A.G.M. will be to receive reports from all elected officials and all others having conducted club business since the last Annual General Meeting.
6.4 The second purpose of the A.G.M. will be to consider amendments to the constitution and bylaws.
6.5 The A.G.M. will consider general business as well as any business raised those present.
7.1 A Special General Meeting may be called by the secretary if so required by a petition form 20 or more paid-up members provided that the petition lists the business to be discussed at the special general meeting.
7.2 The board is to give written notice of the meeting to all members as noted in 6.2 above. Provided also there be not more than one Special General Meeting in one operating year.
7.3 The business at a Special General Meeting will be conducted in a similar manner to the Annual General Meeting.
8.1 Each paid up member in good standing shall be entitled to attend and shall have one vote.
8.4 Proxy voting will be allowed at A.G.M.s and S.G.M.s provided that no member shall vote more than 10 proxies. Proxies shall generally be vested in the executive unless solicited by others. In this eventuality the person soliciting shall clearly indicate to the vote holder his position at the intended meeting.
9.1 The Club Chair shall chair the meetings, or in their absence some other member of the executive.
9.2 The meeting shall be generally run in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
9.3 Motions shall be proposed and seconded and sufficient discussion shall be voted on by the body of the meeting.
9.4 Voting shall be by a show of hands and shall be carried or defeated by a simple majority.
9.5 The president, chairman need not vote, except in the event of a tie in which case his shall be the deciding vote.
9.6 A quorum consists of 5 members.
9.7 A quorum of the racing committee consists of 3 members of the committee.
10. FEES
10.1 Membership fees shall be as determined annually by the executive committee.
10.2 Fees shall be set for the following categories of members:
◦ Full Membership
◦ Junior Membership
11.1 The board is to keep account of the club funds and is to maintain a bank account with chequing privileges. In the event that the funds may be more than required in the short term he may also open a higher interest account.
11.2 Cheques may be issued by any one of two of the executive, subject to checking with the board as to the balance available and the correctness of the proposed transaction.
12.1 A newsletter shall be issued to keep members advised of forthcoming events, news, changes, etc.